
Staying Informed

We Want To Hear From You

Have ideas that could help other nonprofits? Share them with us and we’ll post them.

Need items for clients, such as furniture, diapers, clothing? Send the information to use and we’ll share on the website.

Looking for resources, information or research articles? We will keep you informed under “links.”

Just send information to

Careers In Nonprofit

Nonprofits are generally great places to work! You not only feel productive, but also know that you are helping an important cause.

Member agencies can send job opening descriptions to

Click Here to See Job Openings

How To Advocate

Nonprofits can no longer afford not to be involved in advocating for their clients and services! Todd Bonlarron, assistant county administrator for Palm Beach County, and its longtime director of government affairs, offered these outstanding tips.

Read and Download Here


We thank the experts who help educate Chamber members, provide new information to make our lives easier, and generally support our work.

Social Media Presentation