
For CEOs, by CEOs

The Voices of Our Nonprofits

To ensure that the voices of our nonprofits are heard by our legislators, the Chamber provides scholarships to some of our CEOs to learn the process during Palm Beach County Day. This year, Ruth Mageria, executive director of CROS Ministries, left; and Stephanie Seibel, CEO of Achievement Centers for Children and Families, kneeling, received the scholarships. K. Lee Tirpak, from the Achievement Centers also attended.

The scholarships are part of our Legislative Advocacy Initiative which puts our CEOs in the driver’s seat in selecting legislative priorities to send to our legislators in the form of our Legislative Greenbook each year for the past decade. The process and book are widely touted by legislators because of its consensus process. We have experienced many legislative successes in terms of funding and law changes as a result of this process.